

"That we may present every man complete in Christ." 

~ Colossians 1:28

JESUS promised to build His Church.

We find many are bored, frustrated, or confused with their faith due to the tepid, man-centered Christianity our culture has come to know. We've never been more convinced the Church needs the pure, unapologetic clarity of God's Word alone.

As the True Vine, Jesus declares His Word must abide in us, so that we might bear fruit (John 15:5-7). This is our desire as a church. We’re hopeful the Lord will grow our church in a healthy way, cause us to bear much fruit, and expand our influence for His purposes. Jesus never promised to build anything but His Church. As we remain faithful, we’re hopeful to play a part before we meet Him face to face.



The driving goal is three-fold:

1. Be a church where the Word of God is the foundation and final measure of all that is done.

2. Be a church that equips the People of God to reach a lost and dying world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ - making mature disciples, not just converts.

3. Be a church where the Glory of God is supreme above all else.
Matthew 7:24-25



Through Missional Groups, members are built up in their faith and partner with one another to carry out the Great Commission.

By remaining unfettered with the many programs typical of churches, the people of The Vine are freer to intentionally establish real friendships with those who do not know Christ.
Matthew 28:18-20



If the Lord is pleased, our hope is to keep multiplying in several ways:

1. Locally, through evangelism and discipleship.

2. Organizationally, by training leaders, planting churches, and multiplying our congregations.

3. Globally, by preparing pastors and leaders all over the world who desire to be theologically equipped.
Romans 10:14-15


Join us Sunday mornings as we gather to worship together at 9:00am.

2200 18th Ave
South Milwaukee, WI 53172