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Current Studies

Membership Class

Please join us for our membership class on April 6th at 5:00PM! This is a great opportunity to learn more about The Vine as we walk through our doctrine, practice, vision, and what it means to be a member. It is a class required for anyone desiring membership, a great time of fellowship, and a simple way to learn more about the church. Registration is required. Please sign up in the app or by clicking the button below. 

The Masculine Mandate: God's Calling to Men 

Who: Men or male teens; Fathers, bring your sons is age appropriate. *Class has reached maximum size and registration is now closed.*

What: The Masculine Mandate: God’s Calling to Men, by Richard D. Philips (of Ligonier Ministries)

The book is available at Christian Book Distributors for less than $20.00. You must order your own book.

Where: The Vine Community Church

When: Six Saturday mornings, 8:00-10:00:

Dates: 1\11,1\25, 2\8, 2\22, 3\8, 3\22, 4\5

Why: The Masculine Mandate by Richard D. Phillips cuts through the cultural confusion, highlights God’s mandate for men, and encourages readers to join him on a journey of repentance and renewal. Phillips begins in the Garden of Eden, drawing foundational teaching for men from the earliest chapters of God’s Word. This is teaching that reaches into all of life. Christian men today need to examine their hearts and embrace their God-given mandate. Only then will they be able to recognize their high calling, and by God’s grace, serve faithfully in whatever context God has placed them.

How: We will read two chapters prior to each meeting. There are a few discussion questions at the end of each chapter that we will discuss. As you read the chapters underline or highlight what you found important and be prepared to discuss why.

Please note you must sign up on the app and that class size is limited to 12. Once registration reaches 12, the class will be closed.